We are committed to collaborating with local communities at East Hemel and our proposals will be shaped by a shared understanding of local needs.
We will be inclusive and engage different groups and communities to ensure that the development reflects the needs and wishes of the wider local population.
We look forward to working with you all to create a place that can thrive, both now and in the future.
Forthcoming engagement – Stage 2: January-March 2025
The second stage of public engagement is taking place between January and March 2025. This stage will build on earlier engagement and explore the plans for East Hemel in more detail. This will involve:
1) Site visits and community design workshops – offering local residents an opportunity to shape early designs. Topics to be discussed during the sessions will include:
Site constraints and opportunities
Enhancing existing natural assets
Placemaking and design of streets, spaces and buildings
Movement and connections including sustainable transport
The site visit is taking place on 28 January ahead of the workshops running on 29 and 30 January. To find out more including times of the sessions and how you can take part, please visit the ‘Have your say’ page of the website.
2) Public drop-in events – which will be held in different locations around the site and provide opportunities to speak to the team and share feedback.
We will be updating this page with more information on the forthcoming public drop-in events shortly.
Previous engagement – Stage 1: October 2024
As part of the first stage of public engagement, we held community drop-in events across five different locations (Leverstock Green, Maylands, Hemel Hempstead town centre, Woodhall Farm and Redbourn), as well as a stakeholder workshop.
These events were focused on introducing ourselves and understanding more about life in the area, as well as the hopes, ideas and ambitions of the local community for East Hemel.
Read the information board presented at Stage 1 engagement events
We are using the Commonplace platform for all our public engagement activities.
Commonplace is an interactive online citizen engagement platform which uses maps and other tools to enable the local community to submit comments on emerging proposals. All feedback received as part of the engagement will be reviewed and considered to help shape our emerging proposals.